Our Father, Mother, Sister, Brother and Spirit, God Igziabher! We thank You, and praise
You O The Divine! We glorify You and trust You, The Almighty! We worship You. All powers bow, and all tongues raise their voices unto You. You are The Only God Igziabher of gods, Supreme Sovereign of sovereigns, and Eternal King of kings. You are the Creator of all physical and spiritual beings. Now, we invoke Your Name in the same way Your Son God Jesus Christ taught us to say, “Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Your Name. Your Kingdom come. Your Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation; but deliver us from the evil one. For, Yours is The Kingdom, and The Power, and The Glory, forever. Amen.” and, through Whose atonement You gave us the ANSWER to our supplication in that prayer.
Yes, You provided us with everything that pertains to our material, mental and spiritual
needs for the body and the soul as well as for the spirit. Your generosity for us is bountiful; Your mercy, complete; Your love, perfect, and Your grace, overflowing.
Through the Redeeming Altarage of Our Goddess The Mother Virgin Mary and the
Atonement for Peace of The Crucified God The Son Jesus Christ, the Grace of the Holy Spirit Descended over and Filled the Whole World. Thus, today You reside not only in Heavens, but on Earth as well. Your Name is Hallowed also on Earth. Your Will that is Done in Heavens is Done also on Earth. Your Kingdom has Come and is Revealed on Earth.
By Your endowment of Nature, we recognized that You have arranged for our Daily Bread and for the entire life-long provisions of our Bodily Needs.
You gave us, on daily basis, the Holy Sacrament of the Flesh and Blood of Your God Son Jesus Christ that He incarnated from The Goddess Mother Virgin Mary as nourishment for our Soul, and as an assurance for our salvation and eternal life. Through the same Sacrament, You exonerated us completely from our sins and iniquities once for all, and empowered us to forgive the debts of our debtors.
For us to be Your Children, You granted us the Exaltation of the Birth of Baptism in The
Holy Spirit and Fire, and the Sacrament of the Grace of Penance. You Spared us from Every Temptation, Delivered us from Evil, and Overthrew the Powers of the Devil, the Father of Lie, and eliminated Death that Dominated our Lives. Finally, You Ordained for us the Honour and the Privilege to Live in the Rapture of Your Holy Resurrection and in the World of Your Eternal Sabath.
O The Almighty God Igziabher! We are Always Grateful to You for Your Inexpressible
Generosity, Mercy, Love and Grace, as well as for all our Needs that You Provided us Before we Even Ask You.
We remain Waiting for the Time You Promised us to Come, When Your Kingdom of
Truth, designated as "Ethiopia: The Kingdom of God [Igziabher]"in which we are Now Blessed to Live and Serve under Our Reigning Queen Goddess The Mother Virgin Mary, personified in the Prophetic Word as “Ethiopia Reaches out Her Hands to God Igziabher!”, and the Kingship of God The Son Jesus Christ, epitomized as “The Triumphant Lion of the Tribe of Judah”, will Prevail and Destroy Evil, Sin and Death Completely; and When It Actually Reveals Itself to the Material World and Universally Rules over the Whole Realms of Creation.
Power, Glory and Kingdom are Yours, Today as Ever and Forever, World Without End. Amen.